Haz Mat Test 1

1. There are three lists that drivers, shippers and carriers use to find out if a material is regulated as hazardous. Which one of there choices is not one of those three lists?
List of hazardous substances and reportable quantities
Poison inhalation list
Epa dangerous materials list
Hazardous materials table

2. Drivers of placarded vehicles transporting hazardous materials must stop ____ to ____ feet from the nearest rail of a railroad.
15 to 20 feet
15 to 50 feet
5 to 10 feet
15 to 50 yards

3. How many identical placards is a vehicle hauling hazardous materials required to display and where?
One (1), on the rear of the vehicle only.
Two (2), one on the front and one on the back.
Four (4), two on the front and two on the back.
Four (4), one on the front, one on the back, and one on each side of the vehicle.

4. How many different type placards are there showing dot specifications?

5. At what time is it required for the driver to have an approved gas mask on hand?
Any vehicle carrying an inhalation hazard cargo
Any vehicle carrying chlorine
Any vehicle carrying toxic materials
All of the above

6. What is the shape and size of a placard?
10 3/4 inch oval
10 1/2 inch diamond
10 1/2 inch oval
10 3/4 inch square or diamond

7. It is recommended that when hauling a load of explosives a or b to use the fussees instead of the warning triangles if in an emergency or breakdown situation.

8. Whenever your vehicle is placarded, do not drive near open fires unless you:
Can safely pass the fire without stopping
Have LTL of a nonflammable material
Are equipped with fire sprinklers.
Unless you can stay 100-200 feet away from the fire

9. If you are in an accident involving hazardous materials, you should:
Don't tell anything about your load.
Keep all people far away and upwind of the accident.
Prevent a panic by acting like nothing is wrong.
Tell only the emergency response team about the hazard.

10. The hazardous waste manifest should be
Stored in the glove compartment
Kept with the driver at all times
The same as all other paper work
Tabbed differently and kept on top of all other paperwork